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Where do I start? The first 365 days of building a security program
  • Track B: Friday 1600-1650
  • Video

Scenario: You've been put in charge of InfoSec for a business with no existing security posture and the executive team thinks that Antivirus and Firewall is a sufficient InfoSec budget. They expect results in one year.

If you're thinking "Oh $(*7, I have to do what?", this talk is for you. At the end of this talk you will have a roadmap for the first year of implementing a security program, with some understanding of what those who have come before you have done. I hope to explain my mistakes so that you don't have to make mine; you can make your own.

Hudson Bush is a Senior Information Security Architect at K2 Solutions, Inc. in Southern California. When not homebrewing, Hudson spends his time assisting small and medium businesses with securing their...

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